September 11, 2024

Navigating the Creative Juggle: Returning to Small business Jewellery Life After Two Kids

Small business life and being a mum


Running my own jewellery business, the path is often as intricate as the pieces I craft. Balancing creativity with the realities of running a small business can be a challenge under the best of circumstances. Add the joy and demands of raising two young children into the mix, and you have a whole new level of complexity. Here’s a glimpse into the juggle of managing a creative career while returning to work after becoming a mum twice over.

The Creative Challenge - Walking the tight rope while carrying a flaming torch

Before children, my days were filled with the rhythm of creating jewellery and learning all the many intricacies of running a business. The transition from working full-time to motherhood was overwhelming, I don’t think anyone is ever fully prepared for how much your life will change when you become a mum. But with the added pressure of being solely responsible for a business’s survival too, let’s just say it’s intense to say the least. Each day was a delicate balance between caring for a newborn and trying to carve out some time or energy for some kind of creative outlet, not just for the business but for my own mental health too.

Recently with the arrival of our second child, the juggling act intensified, but over the last 12 months I have found the key has been flexibility. It’s all about stolen moments between nap times and school runs, some days, inspiration strikes at 2 AM; other days not at all, and that’s ok. I try to remind myself to be kind, it’s really not easy to be your best creative self when tired and over stretched, but it will still there when I am more able, and time will be on my side again.

being a mum and your own boss

Time Management - Crafting Magic with a bag of tricks

Time management in the world of small business can be both freeing and challenging. While the flexibility of being your own boss is a blessing, after all  we have just enjoyed 6 weeks of school summer holidays, but it also means that every minute counts, and you constantly feel you are not doing either parenting nor business ‘right’.

Establishing a routine that accommodates both creative time and family life has been steep learning curve, one I continue to try and master. I’m learning to embrace the ebb and flow of productivity. Some weeks are packed with intense admin sessions and frantic workbench time, while others are slower, giving me the chance to daydream of future collections or enjoy time with my family.

motherhood and working for yourself

Support Systems - My Secret Weapon in the Adventure of Life 

No one can navigate the world of being a solopreneur  and parenthood alone. Building a support network has been essential – I have been part of The Better Business Collective for some years now and wouldn’t be without the network of other small businesses I have ‘met’ via social media. The breadth of knowledge and support you can gain from other creatives is immeasurable and the key to keeping me accountable.

Some of you may remember my husband Mike joined the business for a short while before I fell pregnant with my second. Unfortunately, we couldn’t sustain the both of us within the business, but that year working together was possibly the most valuable investment we made in the last 10 years. Mike now knows the business inside out and can step in to any aspect of the business from making to marketing, which he did superbly whilst I took my maternity leave. He is also an invaluable and knowledgeable sounding board for all my mad cat ideas I dream up at 2am.

So, whether it’s relying on family for childcare (all hail the grandparents), chatting with other creatives for inspiration and advice, or connecting with clients who understand my story, having a strong support system helps in managing the demanding roles of both a mum and a business owner.

small business life

Creativity and Inspiration - Seeing the World Through Kaleidoscope Glasses

Returning to work after having kids has brought a fresh perspective to my designs. When I returned from maternity leave with my first child I designed my most true and authentic collection to date, my Deco Collection.

Whilst parenthood has introduced me to new experiences and emotions that inevitably influence my work, it was the realisation that if my work is to take me away from my kids, it needs to be something I love to do and that I am proud of.

Returning to work this time round I have been more brutal with removing items that do not bring me joy. This mantra and new chapter in my career has enriched my creativity, bringing a new layer of depth to my designs. I have a desire to hone my skills, develop new ones ad learn as much as I can to be the best I can be.

Looking Ahead - Hammer in Hand, Ready for What's Next

As I continue to balance the roles of mother and jeweller, I am constantly reminded of the beauty of this journey. It’s not always easy, there are many tears, days of doubt and stress, but it’s incredibly rewarding. Each challenge brings growth, and each triumph is a testament to the resilience and passion that drives me.

Returning to work after having two kids has been a journey of adaptation and discovery. The path may be winding, but it’s filled with moments of joy and creativity that make every twist and turn worthwhile. For anyone navigating a similar path, remember that the journey is uniquely yours, and every day brings an opportunity to create something beautiful, both in your work and your life.